Affine ultraPoints

The protocol is commencing a new points reward system for the ultraETH holders. Based on the ETH value of the ultraETH held, the users can earn ultraPoints.

ultraPoints Calculation (Season 1: Limited Time)



1 point per ETH per hour

Eigenlayer Points

1 point per ETH per hour (but will start receiving it after 24h of deposit)

Symbiotic Points

0.00025 points/hour per USD worth of Assets

NFT Multiplier

1 + log10000(1 + n) [max 1.2x]. here, n = number of NFTs the user holds

Migration Multiplier

2x ultraPoints for the first week

Layer 2 Multiplier (holding ultraETHs on Blast)

1.2x ultraPoints

Referral Bonus

both referrer and user will get 10% extra points

Symbiotic Multiplier

1.5x ultraPoints till the asset is in the queue 1x ultraPoints when the asset is in the queue

DeFi Boosts

Stage Boost

Season 1 is divided into 4 stages to reward early users with extra ultraPoints boost. The stage boost is divided into 4 periods/TVL limit! All the users within this time period/TVL limit will earn the Stage Boost.

ultraPoint Boost

Stage 1: Till 1,000ETH TVL or Till September 15


Stage 2: Till 5,000ETH TVL or Till October 15


Stage 3: Till 10,000 ETH TVL or Till December 1


Stage 4: Till End of Season 1


Example 1: If someone deposits 1 ETH on ETH Mainnet August 25, 2024, and has 1 Affine Pass NFT. They will earn = 2 (Stage Boost) * 1.075 (NFT Boost) * 1 (Base ultraPoint amount) = 2.15 ultraPoints every hour.

Example 2: If someone deposits 1 ETH on ETH Mainnet September 25, 2024, and has 0 Affine Pass NFT. They will earn = 1.5 (Stage Boost) * 1 (NFT Boost) * 1 (Base ultraPoint amount) = 1.5 ultraPoints every hour.

Example 3: If someone deposits 1.5 ETH on ETH Mainnet October 25, 2024, and has 2 Affine Pass NFT. They will earn = 1.2 (Stage Boost) * 1.12 (NFT Boost) * 1.5 (Base ultraPoint amount) = 2.016 ultraPoints every hour.

Last updated